Saturday, September 14, 2019

A New Mood

Simone Martini, Saint Andrew, 1326.
Uffizi, Florence, Italy
One key factor in Renaissance Art was the transition from the dark and stiffer figures of the Middle Ages to a new lighter, warmer and more dramatic depiction of figures. This new injection of life into art certainly signals a rebirth of humankind. It also represents a more relational imagery intended to inspire positive emotions such as love, life and appreciation for beauty as a reflection of God. This new mood in Renaissance Art is described in the video, Art of the Western World, while the technical precision of the art is described in the text of Chapter 12, Cunningham, Lawrence and John Reich, eds. Culture and Values: A Survey of the Humanities. Vol 2. Wadsworth, 2005. 

Sandro Botticelli,
Madonna of the Magnificat,1481. Uffizi, Florence, Italy. 
The focus in the text is on the new revolutionary characteristics of Florentine Renaissance Art. “Clarity of line, a concern for mathematically precise perspective, close observation of real people, concerned for psychological states, and an uncluttered arrangement that rejects the earlier tenancy and paintings to produce crowded scenes to fill up the available space”, Wadsworth, page 270, are noteworthy changes in style seen in frescoes from such master artists as Massacio. While the new technical style of the artists is important, the transition from darker times and a foreboding mood into a rebirth era and mood of light and life is noteworthy.


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